These Storage Tips Will Save You Time, Money and Stress!

Thank you for your message. Here are some storage tips that can help you save time, money, and stress:

  • Identify your storage space first: It’s always best to locate a storage space before boxing everything up. Working backward will save you time and headaches. This could be a huge space-saver for you if you have a small kitchen. That space between the wall and the fridge is usually “dead space”.
  • Clean the fridge out frequently and keep foods covered: Store refrigerated foods in covered containers or sealed storage bags, and check leftovers daily for spoilage. Store eggs in their carton in the refrigerator itself rather than on the door, where the temperature is warmer. Check expiration dates.
  • Plastic is best for long-term storage: Look for nesters, which are containers that stack well together. It’s best to size containers based on what you’re storing. Don’t buy sets of containers that tend to have only one container of each size.
  • Ask a friend or family member for help when moving things into storage: Especially if you’re going to be loading heavy items or stacking things up high. Don’t share your key or access code with anyone you don’t trust.

I hope these tips help! Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you.

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